A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Welcome to Lightrealm, a turn-based RPG with the intention of creating a story generator that is as in-depth as possible. Lightrealm gameplay consists of spoken, typed, or GUI-constructed commands that allow the player to give very specific orders to their character. This system is interwoven with dynamic narrations, intricate game mechanics, and chronological continent/history generation to make a world where anything is possible. Utilize a diverse language system to delicately bend your character to your will, but be watchful, the denizens of the world are as interactive as you, and will react to and magnify your actions across the continent.

Lightrealm is in Alpha, so the game is incomplete and can be unstable at times. However, many core features exist in the game. 

See screenshots of the game below.

  • The game will generate a very detailed RPG world, with six primary civilization types that are familiar across worlds, and a variety of outcast and procedurally generated races/societies, each with cultural values, materials, governments, and apparel.

  • Countless agents, known as “Architects”, will set and attempt to accomplish their goals throughout the land. Watch as these simple desires cause them to befriend, kill, mend, destroy, and otherwise shape the continent they live on. Every location, structure, and artifact was made by someone for a reason, and thousands of people and their decisions will shape your continent and what is inside it. 
  • Enter the world as one of these Architects. Receive information about their skills, their past, their desires and preferences, who has upset them, and much more.

  • Explore the continent, by either speaking your desires with a voice/click GUI, by utilizing a command builder GUI, or by typing commands out manually. Each system is useful for a variety of cases, and combined together allow you to express very specific commands to your character. 

  • Converse with the denizens of Lightrealm. Make small talk, ask for information, or request help. Demand someone drop their entire inventory, or talk your way out of a violent situation. Be careful, though, if someone doesn’t particularly like you, they might deny your requests, or even make up false information.

  • Construct a party of adventurers and command them separately, or go it alone. You could ask people to join you directly, or perhaps you can find a way to recruit animals, the dead, or other strange beings to your group.

  • Detailed combat system, designed for energy-filled membranous creatures, that tracks bleeding, energy, pain, body part integrity, weapon type, focus, armor coverage, combat reactions, limb exposure, offensive/defensive skills and spells, class abilities, weapon imbuements, status effects and conditions, and more. Simple to learn, difficult to master.

  • A great variety of character customization options are available. Minmax your character or balance all their features. You could make a typical hack-and-slash character, or a spellcasting magician, or experiment with random game mechanics to create your own strategy. Maybe you can make a character that liquifies buildings and explodes everything that falls out, or one that melds hundreds of shiba inus to their face, or one that clones himself and enslaves all of his clones. Utilize character stats, paths, equipment, imbuements, spells, skills, and more to transform your vessel into a tool to suit your desires.

  • Explore the quest system given to you, or ignore it entirely. Lightrealm allows for either a structured, traditional story-driven RPG style, randomly generated in each world, or a more open-ended sandbox experience. Switch between the two at will; take a break from your quest at any time to explore the wilds, or return to seek the deepest evils of the continent.

  • Besides combat and socialization, interact with the world in a variety of ways, including gathering, crafting, sacrificing, trading, magic, and more.

  • Value/Grudge system tracks goals and grievances across the world, causing a tree of historical rivalries, plots, and wars. Goals of the various architects, groups, and even civilizations often conflict, leading to competition, violence, and sometimes war. Perhaps you can bring these troubles to an end, or manipulate them to meet your own goals.
  • The world contains a great variety of loot to find, including generic and magical armor and weapons, magical relics, healing items, currency, clothing, general goods, and a variety of other object types.

  • Find, craft, and combine many types of equipment. Object imbuements allow for a strategic min-max or a leveled balance of your gear. Does your equipment protect you from a wide array of threats, or does it make it so every time your shiba inu companion blocks an attack, twenty bolts fire at the enemy?

  • Basic composition system allows you to write, recite, and read songs, poetry, and books. Write compositions in general, or write them on a certain person or subject. Sing or recite your songs in front of others for some “constructive feedback”.

  • The people of Lightrealm are very well-read, and most of them know something about everything. Perhaps you can ask the story of an influential figure who lived a century ago, or the last known location of a magical artifact, or maybe where the giant shiba inu who ravaged the town last week is now. Maybe you can find even more information in the books stored at a library or spire.

  • The game persists for as long as you wish before, during, or after your quest. Find tasks for yourself, or begin a new world as a new vessel, prepared to save the next continent in the vast world of Lightrealm.

To see some of these features in action, see the below screenshots.
To download the game, scroll past said images.

Here is a map of a 250-year-old Lightrealm continent. A variety of settlements and structures have been constructed here.

Some information on a character I found is displayed here. Looks like even in his forties, Heliostor Plaubke still holds a decent grudge against Daythorn, the Forsaken Monolith for recruiting someone to kill his friend, Solarisyn Vethot.

Here is a GUI overview. While the text is difficult to see, the general structure is displayed. General Character Info is listed up at the top, and nearby sentients are listed in the center. To the right, you can see the structure list, with a tavern named Maxyafa Tifuja, along with someone’s house. Note the announcement list to the left, where a variety of recent events and information are stored.

By running commands in one of the three systems, I can probe these nearby strangers for information at a tavern. As expected, the mercenary was much more helpful than anyone else.  Some indolents just want to flirt.

I am using speech-to-text (STT) and Split Mode to construct an attack command. I say the phrase "I bash this in the this with this" into my microphone. While saying the phrase, I click on specific subjects, and the system replaces each instance of "this" in the order I click them. For each instance of "this," I simultaneously click on  a corresponding subject (my hammer, the target, and then the specific target; where I clicked is displayed in red in the image below). The subjects I click on replace each "this" in my spoken command, in the order I clicked them. Simple right? Sounds more complicated than it is.
You can also construct commands by typing them manually, or by using a button-based command builder GUI.

Here's a summary of the end of a fight I had with a bandit. She is unarmed, so she is resorting to bashing me with her various body parts, including her eyes at some points. She offered to surrender eventually, and I accepted the offer, but she unfortunately did not survive. Overall, I didn’t lose that much energy, but I did start faltering in pain, losing out on turns. Keeping energy, pain, and bleeding managed in a fight is critical, if any one gets out of hand, the tides can turn very quickly.

There appears to be some lovely loot in this hunter’s keep. Shorts could provide attack coverage, the vitalium vial is a fabulous healing item, the skill scroll most likely contains a new ability, and the vitalium fragments are a common currency.

Here is a party of characters I have recruited, mostly by asking them to join me. You can see two nightfell on either side, a luminarch on the middle left, and an archaix on the middle right. Each is wearing clothing common to their culture, but with their own personal twist.


lightrealm-alpha1-windowsx64.zip 185 MB
lightrealm-alpha1-linuxx64.zip 184 MB

Install instructions

For Windows, Simply Click on "_Lightrealm.exe".

For Linux, check the "_ReadMe.txt" text file in the game folder.